
Sweet Summertime

The only thing on my mind right now is...
What the hell should I wear!?
With graduation (not mine) and summer quickly creeping up, I need to know what to buy!

Well lets start with some trends for the up comming season:

Shorts; The basics.
   I am assuming that we are all curvy, pearshaped or something to that sort
  To begin, almost all the said body types or fuller legs. So, look for shorts with pleats to contrast your legs.
   If you happen to be on the skinner or athletic side, look for more short shorts or flowy long shorts.

   At this point your body shape really counts.
     Pear-shaped: Put your florals on top to draw the eye up the your petite upper body
     Inverted-Triangles: Put your florals on bottom to distract form your broader shoulders
     Curvier figures: Use a printed dress with an added belt to balance your body.

    For curvier or pear shaped bodys: Use a solid bottom on a crazy patterned top. Use widderbands instead of strings. Use ruffles to smake your bust look larger.
    Althelic figures: Halters make your bust look a bit smaller. Use a boy short bottom to accentuate your legs

I can already hear the sweet sounding sigh of relief!

♥ ♥ ♥   

First Post!

The very first post!
Well I should probably tell you a bit about myself;
  • I am a former gymnast
  • I have a boyfriend who we will call A. for privacy issues
  • I can not fit into a decent pair of jeans because of my bulging backside
Now that we got that outta the way I can get onto some real Blogging(: